Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest has been partnering with the government, houses of worship, and volunteers to welcome refugees to Arizona since 1975.

The combination of the stop-work-order and executive order has cut off critical funding overnight, leaving 130 families who have already arrived in Tucson and Phoenix in immediate jeopardy. There are currently 388 refugees within their first 90 days of arrival, who have been left behind. These are families who have fled war, persecution, and unimaginable hardship, only to now face uncertainty in the very place they hoped to find refuge.

We refuse to stand by while this decision puts lives in limbo. We will continue to fight for our mission of welcome, but we need you with us. Will you stand with refugees today?

Stand up for refugees during this time of crisis through a 3-month commitment or more. Use the "Make My Gift Monthly Recurring" checkbox to indicate your 3-month commitment. 

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